A CD needs to maintain eligibility to continue seeing their score and grow within the community. If they become ineligible, a 21 day grace period is started where they can remedy this.
Should we not be able to supply you with a client even though you qualify to get one, grace period starts the day we offer you a client
At the end of the grace period you will receive a performance notice and a 10 day final period to remedy the eligibility before we need to initiate offboarding.
A CD can only have one grace period within any 90 day period - a second grace period will trigger a performance notice.
Grace Period Triggers
IF CD Lifetime > 91 days and initial eligibility isn't reached
If CD + Add-On Capacity <75%
If CD acts as more than 3 creatives
If reviews received from creatives is < 20
If number of creative reviewers is < 5
If reviews provided to creatives < 20
If creatives reviewed is < 5
If reviews received from clients in last 180 days is less than 80% of active clients
IF currently Eligible changes from Yes to No, AND No of Grace Periods within 90 days
If CD + Add-On Capacity <75%
If CD acts as more than 3 creatives
If reviews received from creatives in last 30 days < 3
If number of creative reviewers in last 30 days is < 2
If reviews provided to creatives in last 30 days is < 3
If creatives reviewed in last 30 days is < 2
If reviews received from clients in last 180 days is less than 80% of active clients
Relevant Links
How the CD Performance System Works by Natalie 10/25