Score Calculation
For each performance pillar, we ask several questions during feedback reviews. You can score up to 10 points for each question. We then calculate the average score for that pillar and multiply it by 10, giving a maximum score of 100 for that pillar in that specific review. All the feedback scores are then averaged to give you the Total Pillar Score, which you see in your portal.
The weight of this score is x4.
Types of reviews where your Deliverables Quality skills are rated:
Client Reviews
Quality Assurance (QA) Checks
Sources for this score
QA Checks Questions & Points
Is the presentation of the work polished and put together well?
(+2 points) Layout of the project on the Miro board is consistent (spacing between assets, sizing of individual assets)
(+2 points) No evident typos or grammar mistakes
(+2 points) The deliverable has a name and a date
(+2 points) There is a verbal and/or visual explanation of the idea or deliverable in progress that gives some context to the client about the deliverable
(+1 point) There is a loom video for the deliverable
(+1 point) The loom video includes a walk though of the behind the scenes of the deliverable
(+1 point) The loom video presenting the deliverable is copied on the Miro board
(+1 point) The deliverable is presented in a mock-up
Were the right amount of options or distinct concepts presented? Rate the creativity and quality of options
Production should include: no concepts + 1 extra idea.
Speed should include: 3+1 Concepts with Moodboards.
Creativity Work should include: 6+1 Concepts with Moodboards.
(+1 Point) Two concepts are missing based on the client plan
(+1 Point) One concept is missing based on the client plan
(+2 Points)The right amount of concepts or options of ideas was submitted based on the client plan (or based on the modified brief)
(+2 Points) Distinct concepts were created, rather than just different versions of the same concept (for speed or creativity). OR, how different versions (for production).
(+2 Points) 1 extra concept presented to the client
(+2 Points) 2 extra concepts presented to the client
Were visual, or written references used to explain the idea? What is the quality of these aids to help the client navigate and understand the deliverables and provide relevant feedback?
(+2 Points) Included Descriptive Words or TITLES that differentiate the concepts or deliverables, or differentiate parts of a deliverable. i.e. "Concept A- geometric shapes"
(+2 Points) Added KEY WORDS and Descriptive Sentences that describe the design and are useful for the client to provide feedback and understand how one deliverable is different from another. i.e. black background, bold typography, fine-lined icons.
(+2 Points) Added VISUAL REFERENCES to convey the intention of the concept or ideas. This references can be used to communicate inspiration. i.e. story boards, images, etc.
(+2 Points) Included a WHY a set of creative decisions were taken to design an specific idea or concept. i.e. black background because it aligns with the brand guidelines, and we want to convey a professional tone.
BONUS (pick one)
(+2 Points) Showcased how the client feedback was implemented
(+2 Points) Showcased how a client idea was implemented or interpreted
(+2 Points) Showcased how this integrates or elevates to the branding of the client, or the products/services they offer. i.e. a strategic recommendation to move the brand into a different or better direction such as "you want to target younger audiences, so we decided to use pictures of younger people".
(+3 points) Color choices are consistent throughout and make sense with brand identity
(+3 points) Chosen colors allow for sufficient contrast and readability
(+2 points) Colors contribute to a harmonious composition of the deliverable
(+2 points) 60-30-10 rule for colors is followed
(+2 points) No more than 3 different fonts are used
(+1 point) Font sizes create visual hierarchy and increase readability
(+1 point) No widow words
(+1 point) No weird spacing or misalignments of text elements within a text box
(+1 point) Spacing between lines of text is consistent and sufficient for readability
(+2 points) Spacing between titles and text is consistent
(+1 point) Justification of text doesn't create stretched lines of text
(+1 point) Capitalization (sentence vs title case) and hyphenation are consistent
Composition (Layout & Whitespace)
(+2 points) Text & Visuals are consistently aligned to a side or center
(+2 points) Margin & column sizes are equally distributed
(+1 point) No weird negative space, sufficient space around elements,
(+1 point) Whitespace creates enough contrast
(+2 points) Consistency of patterns, lines, icons are from the same family and of similar style
(+2 points) Patterns, shapes, icons are used for creating a visual hierarchy (vs filling in white space)
Client Review Questions
How did clients rate the quality of your deliverable(s)?
How did clients rate the deliverables presentation?
Were all creatives assigned efficiently?
Designity Courses
Additional Resources
Client Collaboration Workshop by Joseph - 12/2023
Moodboard Resources by Joseph - 06/2024
Good Examples of Deliverable Looms by Joseph - 06/2024