Score Calculation
For each performance pillar, we ask several questions during feedback reviews. You can score up to 10 points for each question. We then calculate the average score for that pillar and multiply it by 10, giving a maximum score of 100 for that pillar in that specific review. All the feedback scores are then averaged to give you the Total Pillar Score, which you see in your portal.
The weight for this score is x1.
Types of reviews where your Strategic Thinking & Roadmapping skills are rated:
Quality Assurance (QA) Checks
Client Reviews (either collected by the Client Relationship Manager or from the client directly)
Client Relationship Manager Checks during the Kickoff Call and Mid-Trial Check-in
Sources for this score
QA Checks Questions
Did the CD make strategic recommendations for future projects in the 90-Day Report?
Client Review Questions
If design strategy was something clients were seeking, were clients being provided with that?
Rate the strategic recommendations and insights (if applicable)?
Did the CD ask clarifying questions to better engage the client and understand the brand/project on Kickoff call?
Additional Resources