Score Calculation
For each performance pillar, we ask several questions during feedback reviews. You can score up to 10 points for each question. We then calculate the average score for that pillar and multiply it by 10, giving a maximum score of 100 for that pillar in that specific review. All the feedback scores are then averaged to give you the Total Pillar Score, which you see in your portal.
The weight for this score is x4.
Types of reviews where your Timeline skills are rated:
Quality Assurance (QA) Checks
Client Reviews (either collected by the Client Relationship Manager or from the client directly)
Submission Checks (via the Designity Team) - checking if your projects have a timeline deliverable
Sources for this score
QA Checks Questions & Points
Does the initially submitted and current scope align?
(+4 points) All the steps in the timeline are the same as in the project brief
(+2 points) The project brief is updated (if applicable)
(+2 points) Note explaining any updates made to the brief (if applicable)
BONUS (pick two)
(+1 point) Fixed formatting and weird words
(+1 point) Removed bottom section of the template if it's not needed
(+1 point) Extra info was added / updated, comments added to tag the client
How clearly does the timeline outline the project?
(+1 point) phases are clearly outlined
(+1 point) Making sure the “final files” task is renamed and explained and the time is adjusted
(+2 points) All tasks are adjusted to 3 days or less. If a CD thinks a task will take longer than 3 days, then the task is broken down into smaller tasks
(+2 points) Detailed the task or phase name clearly, i.e. Concept Ideation (Deliverable: 3 Concepts each including a moodboard and 2-3 exemplary post mock-ups), or kept the original name without typos
(+1 point) tasks aren't stacked needlessly
(+1 point) tasks statuses are updated
BONUS (pick two)
(+1 point) Client feedback task under the client line (without extending timeline)
(+1 point) CD QA task under the CD line (without extending timeline)
(+1 point) Added emojis to help communicate the timeline tasks
(+1 point) Adding client tasks in the client section that could potentially derail the project. For example, refer to these specific examples, watch this video, provide headshots, etc.
Are all Creatives assigned across projects with minimal downtime?
(+3 points) All creatives on the plan are utilized
(+2 points) All creatives are properly tagged by level
(+1 point) All creatives are properly tagged by name
(+2 points) No unexplained gaps on timeline
BONUS (pick two)
(+1 point) CD’s name is tagged properly to know if they are acting as a creatives
(+1 point) If there is a gap for the creative on a project, they are allocated in another project
Was the timeline submitted within 8h of the kickoff?
10 points = 1-2 biz hours after kickoff
8 points = within 5-8 biz hours after kickoff
6 points = within 10 biz hours
4 points = within 12 biz hours
2 points = within 14 biz hours
Are projects scheduled out clearly for the next two weeks?
(+2 points) If no timeline or 1 day
(+2 points) Some tasks planned out for the next 2-3 days for all creatives
(+4 points) Tasks planned for 1 week for all creatives
BONUS (pick two)
(+1 point) Tasks planned for the next two weeks
(+1 point) There is a backburner project
(+2 Points) Timeline is planned for the next month for all creatives (with or without backburner project)
Check the deliverables frequency via the deliverables timeline.
(+4 Points) Amount of deliverables* submitted during the week was according to the plan:
If ESSENTIALS, minimum 1 deliverable per week
If PLUS, minimum 2 deliverables per week
If PREMIUM, minimum 3 deliverables per week
(+4 Points) Cadence of deliverable’s submission is well sequenced, and the distribution of deliverables, calls, and loom seems ok according to the client plan:
If ESSENTIALS, 3 days cadence
If PLUS, 2 days cadence
If PREMIUM, 1 day cadence
(+1 Point) Amount of deliverables sent through the form are equally balances across all projects
(+1 Point) Different types of deliverables were sent to the client (i.e. Timeline and/or Mayor Update and/or Minor Update and/or Final Files)
*The deliverables don’t include weekly looms, new timelines, project kickoff follow-ups.
Client Review Questions
Rate if there were projects on the timeline for the next 2 weeks
How efficiently were all the creatives assigned?
Rate the overall turnaround times for your plan?
Rate the deadlines for the projects?
Submission Checks
Sporadically the Designity team checks if you submitted timeline deliverables for your projects. If you did, you will receive a score of:
Score of 80 for 90% of projects from the last 21 days include a timeline deliverable
Score of 90 for 95% of projects from the last 21 days include a timeline deliverable
Score of 100 if 100% of all projects from the last 21 days include a timeline deliverable
Designity Courses
Additional Resources
Timeline Workshop Recording by Shahrouz - 05/2024
Timeline Workshop Board by Shahrouz - 05/2024
Timeline Workshop Recording by Shahrouz - 12/2024
Timeline Workshop Board by Shahrouz - 12/2024