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Project Management
Project Management
27 articles
How do I share a Miro board with creatives or clients?
What are weekly client reports and how do I make them?
How do I hire Creatives for my projects?
None of Designity’s Creative can do what I need. How do I outsource my project?
What do I do if the client's Miro board is full or loading slowly?
How do I made tasks repeat in Airtable for a recurring project?
How do I show that a project finished ahead of schedule in Airtable?
How can I keep track of meeting notes in my Airtable timeline?
How do I show that multiple Creatives are working on the same task?
Can I use my own project management software while collaborating with Designity?
What steps can I take to ensure that Creatives follow brand guidelines?
How can I make the most of my weekly client calls?
How can I restrict access to Google Files and folders, such as project briefs?
How do CDs show in AirTable that a client has paused their account?
How do I add an external hire, like a freelancer from Upwork, to the payment sheet?
What are some examples of difficult client types I may encounter as a Creative Director?
What are the best practices and tips when dealing with difficult clients?
What strategies can I use when clients request or insist on unreasonable timelines or changes to the project scope, and how can effective communication be maintained during such discussions?
What should I do if a client tries to engage with me outside of Designity?
What is the last thing I should discuss during a Kick-Off call?
What if the client doesn’t know what their first project will be?
What are some important reminders for creating timelines for trial clients?
How does the trial the work?
How do I make sure a Creative I work with gets paid?
How can I delete a client project from the timeline in AirTable?
Should we use a different Miro board for Clients and Creatives?
How do I share a link to a specific area in a Miro board?